Monday, September 22, 2014

Character Update September 22, 2014

Throughout the past week I was able to make significant progress of the head and body, however I have recently run into the problem of not being able to use smooth preview on the body. For the past week I have mainly focused on the head and getting it to my specifications and I am quite proud of how far I have come.
There is definitely room from improvement, but right now I am happy with what I have. When I complete the body and clothes I might come back and edit the face some more because it looks a little strange in the rendered view, but for now I will keep it as is so I can work on some other parts.
I have also recently encountered a problem where I cannot use smooth preview on the body of my character which I will need to deal with soon if I want to complete this character. I'm not exactly sure what I did to make this happen, but hopefully it can be resolved soon so I can get to rigging.
I have six more days to complete my character which is kind of troubling, but now that I have the face out of the way I expect everything to go much more smoothly. The only thing I have worries about is getting the character rigged, but I shall try my best to get as much done as I can before I have to turn in the final rendered product and next quarter I will work to get my alien to walk.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Project Update September 18, 2014

Recently I have noticed that my project isn't lining up with my original outline and I am way behind on due dates. I have come to terms with the fact that I probably won't be able to complete a walk cycle by October 1st, but I am planning on at least rigging my character.

So far I have completed modeling the body and I am currently working on the head. The head has proven to be much more of a challenge compared to the body. It is a bit strange right now and I believe it will take a few more hours of work, but I am planning on having it done by next week.
After I complete the head I believe everything else will go much more smoothly. Clothing shouldn't be too much of a challenge, I am planning on that taking about two hours and texturing will only take me around 30 minutes. I will then dedicate the rest of my time to rigging my character and rendering out whatever I have done.
From this experience, even though it has been quite short, I have learned that I probably should plan for projects taking much longer than I initially expect and to not over work myself. I believe I will be able to catch up, but for now I will abandon my plan to have the character walk until I get farther on the character.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quarter 1 Project Outline

Modeling Character with Walk Cycle

Due September 2:
Draw front view of character
Draw side view of character

Due September 10:
Model head
Model body

Blog: Images of rendered head and body

Due September 15:
Model clothes
Texture character

Blog: Images of rendered character before and after texturing

Due September 22:
Rig character

Blog: Screen captures of rigged character

Due September 26:
Complete walk cycle

Due September 30:
Final Render

Blog: Video of final render of walk cycle